On my 1977 Triple E the cord was permanently connected in the trailer, and you pulled it out to plug in. You may be looking at a retrofit, and whoever did it did not worry about standards. Also, wiring standards have changed a lot since 1976.
If you want to keep using that cord, realize that it cannot be replaced. On the first page there is a diagram of a receptacle wired to standard. I would first use an ohm meter on the cord itself to check which are the hot, neutral and ground. Then check the trailer to make sure the hot (black) goes to the bus bar for the breakers, the neutral (white) goes to the neutral bus bar and the green goes to the trailer panel ground.
If that all agrees, and it probably will, use the tester with three leds plugged into any of the trailer receptacles to insure correct wiring.
You likely don't have a problem, but have someone who has some experience help you look.