We have had a 2015 17K for 3 years and just purchased a Nash 26N. About to sell the 17k so it will be sad to part with it. We really loved it, especially the big back window. It is also very easy to get it into even the smaller National Forest campgrounds. Being retired now we just needed a bit more living space for long trips. The 26N also has the big rear window although will be a bit harder to fit into the smaller campgrounds as it is about 7' longer than the 17K. The fact that we bought a 2nd Nash indicates how pleased we have been with the 17K. I did have to do a fair amount of minor tweaking when the 17K was new, few stripped screws and things like that but no warranty work was needed. Also added several modifications to fit our camping style. But the Nash is a very well built, solid TT and would be the best choice of your 3. It is a bit heavier than other TTs of the same size at 7,000 lbs. But we never had it loaded to that point and we don't skimp on what we bring. I towed it with a V-10 F-350 so we hardly ever knew it was back there except on the longest of mountain uphills. Highly recommend the Nash line. Arctic Fox, also by Northwood, is great too but larger and heavier and more luxurious so also more expensive.