jimh425 wrote:
Good hint to buy the tape from heating and air conditioning parts supply houses. Do you have another hint about the best sources for sealant like Vulkem?
Vulkem is a caulk that is in the polyuerethane family but with a fiber reinforcement that causes it to have more of a textured surfac. It may be one reason it has lasted so long, perhaps acting like a reinforcement in the caulk. Many types/ brands fall into this 'poly' family or catagory that are usually considered the better types. Labeled under many brand names, they each have their own differing viscosity and behaviors based on proprietary formulas with polyeurathane bases.
I tested Vulkem only because I'm in the building industry and was just another brand to try out on hand. It's been on there for over ten years and is still not come loose nor cracked. I used it to seal between metal to plastic, metal to fiberglass. Those seams still are holding well.
Vulkem is available at most building supplies and is the least expensive of all the poly type caulks out there, but, does turn a bit off white over time. I don't mind as leaks have been the biggest exasperation in buying my new rv.
Vulkem is murder to get off. Any polyeurathane will be so I'm right now leaning toward only using the industrial grade byutle caulk which is easier to redo.