Like I stated above, I raise my old trailer by re-positioning the axles under the RVs/TTs leaf springs. Very easy DIY task. Now:
- NO worry about it rear plumbing dragging.
- No worry about its rear dragging and bukling its roof.
- No worry about its rear dragging and splitting its floor.
- No worry about its side door shutting properly either.
- Properly aligned with its Tow Vehicle hitch.
Easy fix that can be done under 3 hours. Especially with axle under/over kit from Dexter.
If the rear of my "loaded down" Vehicle's rear dragged, I'd raise its rear suspension via proper suspension improvement - like Timbren SES units, Air bags or Add-Leaf upgrade. Adding drag bars on its rear bumper / rear frame (even re-enforced drag bars with little rollers) is "bent frame / bent chassis" waiting to happen. And when it happens, the RV/Trailer is re-sold for pennies on the dollar.