I just finished skirting mine, but I am in the Florida Keys and don't need insulation, so I just used treated 2" x 4"s for the framing and plastic lattice for the facing. It is a bear to get it level.
I also put in three hinged doors made out of the same, (good storage under the trailer)
If I was up north, I would frame it with treated 2" x 4"s, 16 " on center and then use either aluminum or plastic solid panels. Then use rolled fiberglass insulation on the inside. It would have to made so no critters could get on the inside, since cats and raccoons will pull down the insulation, unless you cover that with OSB which will be costly and a pain
I made up my framing first and then fastened it, by drilling pilot holes in the bottom member for 60 penny spikes to be driven into the ground ever few feet. Then I screwed self tapping screws through the top member into the bottom of the curved aluminum trim on the sides, the bottom of the rear bumper and across the bottom of the front trim behind the tongue. I drilled pilot holes through the member, and then tiny pilot holes in the metal.
After they were installed, I finished the face using screws through it to the members.
Jack L