I would agree with mcrosa. As for the extended warranty, we purchased the Good Sam RV extended warranty and although we've had it for 2 years now, we've not had to use it and you pick and choose which package or packages you want for coverage, yes, slides and slide mechanisms are covered. For work, you have to contact GS first to approve it, but not a big deal in my opinion. We had a slide in a different trailer, that would not come out on one side, but it turned out to be a sheared pin that my husband fixed himself. As for maintenance, we regularly check the gear tracks underneath and treat them with slide out room lubricant. So far, we've been good and we have three slides, all hydraulic. So if anything went wrong, the extended warranty would cover it. Seems that even a local RV repair service that comes to your site, could diagnose this. Best of luck and keep us posted as to the result.