afidel wrote:
Schwintek was designed for smaller, less deep slides. Some manufacturers, especially early on, did not read and understand the design notes and used it in inappropriate applications. Today most problems and mis-applications have been resolved. Cable driven systems have some packaging advantages but at least some recent designs have had problems with oil leaking from the drive system, and unfortunately dripping onto the roof of the slide leading to damaged rubber slide roofs. Rack and pinion is generally the most robust system but can not always be accommodated in the desired packaging. Overall most systems in place today are fairly robust as it's not in anyone's interest to have major mechanical systems breaking.
Absolutely. I can't imagine a Schwintek on a large slide. The slide on my TT is fairly small and light. Works great, but I wouldn't trust it on a large slide. Also, people need to remember to hold the retract button in for a few seconds after the slide stops to ensure it stays in sync.