Forum Discussion

rcosta's avatar
Dec 03, 2013

Slideout on a 2009 Keystone Springdale

HI, are there any Springdale owners who have had to manually close their slide out? I am having some electrical problem, so today I went underneath with to turn the motor with a ratchet on a drill. Seems like it started to close but then stopped. Before I really messed things up, is there anything else I need to do? Thanks.
  • Mine is about the same.. 83000 miles but starting to rust. I also blew a brake line last month( we had just got home from our last trip that day..). I think I'm going to re gear to 4:30, I have 3:73 now but I am not impressed with the performance . The ford 4 speed transmission just shifts too much even with OD locked out. Otherwise I like it a lot. Some problems are to expected at 14 years old . For the gas mileage not towing (10.5) I could probably justify a diesel even at .65 cents more per gallon. Lol some day maybe. :) good luck with your slide I hope it is something simple!

  • Thanks Paul. That helps a lot. Says it is manual ready, which is what I was hoping for.
    BTW, do you like your Ex. Mine has about 95k on it, but this summer, while I was parked uphill waiting to check into a campsite, a transmission seal burst and almost caused a fire and then last month, a brake line broke and I lost my brakes. I was not puling the TT when the brakes went thank God. Not sure if this is just an age thing or some bad luck. How is yours?
  • I don't know what Springdale you have but they are pretty similar to the Summerland I own and this is the slide I have.

    Lippert slide out

    I hope that helps! Btw I also tow with a 2000 v10 excursion !
