AnEv942 wrote:
Link-Basically same camper with more standard front cab over bed.
First look, your thoughts of the upright front echoed mine. Looks like a box. However looking at side profile air may actually flow with less restriction on the Rayzr...
As I stated in the Rayzr video that I made, "the blunt front impacted fuel economy dramatically". I was used to pulling 4 travel trailers before getting our first "truck Camper", the Rayzr FK. Pulling a 3500 lb single axle TT over 8,000 miles yielded 14.2 mpg with the 3.6L V-6 Pentastar Ram. We then upgraded to a much larger 6000 lb dual axle TT and mileage dropped to 12.9 mpg. Keep in mind that frontal area on both these rigs was substantial. As I also mentioned, the advertised 985 lb Rayzr FK tipped the Cat scale at 1325 lbs but being so much lighter than the 6000 lb TT, I expected better fuel economy. I was surprised to find that the same Ram with the Rayzr yielded 12.8 mpg .... less economy than pulling a 6000 lb travel trailer !
The Travel Lite 625 in the review is advertised at 1260 lbs. No way ! If the Rayzr is 1325, how can a cab over version weigh less. For the record, we also had a Travel Lite 770R advertised at 1385 lbs and it tipped the scale at 1920 lbs. I weigh every rig bone dry on the way home from the dealership before adding anything what so ever.
For comparison sake, we sold the V-6 Ram and bought a 2500HD due to our experience with the overweight 770R. We added an Adventurer 80RB which tipped the scales fully loaded at 2280 lbs. This truck has the 6.4L Hemi and we traveled about 9000 miles to western Canada from GA last year averaging 13.9 mpg. Since switching to the little Eureka on the same 2500, our recent trip to Navarre, FL showed a 330 mile stretch averaging 15.1 mpg. Bigger truck, bigger camper .... still better than smaller truck with a Rayzr.