This kind of thing really makes me angry. When buying a new TT or any RV it should not matter whether you have 50 yrs expierence with them or 5 minutes. The dealer should be doing the customer service that is needed to make the new owners happy when they walk out. I did a video of my walk through. My walk through was very bad. I refused to put my name on the paper when they said did we go through this or that system. After being there for almost 5 hrs total I just could not take anymore so I took delivery and went home. It is really sad how once they make the sale you are just another sale and no more worries for the dealer. I have a couple problems that I have dealt with my local dealer and they have been fantastic. If you are new at this please take your time get online ask any questions here you may have. The folks here are very helpful and will guide you along the way. remember the internet is only a click away. Be safe.
I bought the book Travel trailers for dummies when I first started and it helped a lot. make a list also of the things you need to do and if possible do a dry run at home this way you can make the mistake at the house and oops run back in and fix.
One other thing dont be too alarmed if you get a couple leaks or things are not quite perfect the first couple times out. Even though it is new the small things still creep up. Like not have a fresh water hose or a blank tank sewer hose when you get there. Most places will have a camp store and will have the main necessities if you forget anything. And your neighbors at the campgrounds will probably be very helpful as well.
GOOD Luck and Happy Camping