Located just to the left of the entry door. My kitchen is in a slide immediately left of the entry, 2 refers, stove and sink in an island. I have spent the whole day today looking and inspecting and maybe have found the culpret. My docking station is at the right rear corner of the rig and I took apart the coverings to the back side of it. Hooked up the hose to dewinterize and guess what, the floor got wet inside by a little but steady leak. When under pressure the inside connection forms a little drip and of course if hooked up for weeks at a time that little leak is going to seap into a lot of places.
I think this one is one me for not catching it. Someone else posted on here about that connection coming lose over time. Unless I am going to be willing to pay out of pocket for a repair I may just live with it for now. It's just an annoyance at this point to me every time I step on it. Anyway, I fixed the leak and am watching it now for any more leakage. Washed it top to bottom today and the wax job is tomorrow.