Your evap cooler running at 4.5 amps would require about 54 watts.
Throw in a few other things and a cloudy day or two and you'll find yourself hard pressed with 100 watt of solar.
Many TC owners here (Including myself) have used the 200 watt Renogy solar kit. will probably be your best bang for the buck and keep your battery charged.
However, others have given good advice about adding additional battery power. You might try getting by with 200 watts solar power and a single dinky battery - and it might work - but that battery will be working mighty hard most of the time.
Batteries work best in pairs - so keep in mind that you would be best to get two new batteries and Craigslist the single old battery.
The Renogy kit does NOT come with a shut off switch or fuses. So by time you add the cost of incidentals to the solar kit and the batteries, you might be looking at $600. plus your labor.
But you will have accomplished your power requirement goals.