memilanuk wrote:
I'd double check with the manufacturer (Arctic Fox) about the actual construction of the roof. Adventurer has their 'TCC' i.e. 'true composite core/construction' equivalent, but even that has aluminum frame members, and weirdly enough, three additional random wood cross members. That's in addition to the cheap/light white pine stuff they put around the roof openings for screw holding. I'd be shocked if AF doesn't have *some* kind of structural cross members in the roof.
I watched a factory tour done in 2019 by Taylor Dazeman. They show the roof is 100% structual foam with luan laminated on the surfaces. I have replaced two fans and pulled the antenna. Those area are just 4-6" of foam sandwiched with luan.
I might still send them an email as I plan to mount several more solar panels after my next trip.