Forum Discussion

azrving's avatar
Jul 10, 2015

Speaking of safety

I noticed these new TT that are designed for ice fishing. I didn't contact the manufacturer but from what I can see in the pictures of them what do they expect you to do if it breaks through the ice? What if the door wont open? What if the rig tips on it's door side or ice blocks it from opening? Maybe I'm missing something but I dont think I'd be in it. It seems like a large ceiling hatch rather than an ac unit would be more appropriate. Maybe large escape windows on 3 sides and the roof? Maybe all escape routes would open inward? I know, I'm no fun. :)

Ice 15
  • I don't think many folks ice fish on 2 or 3 inches of ice. Everybody I know who lives up north and takes ice fishing serious say the ice thickness is measured in feet not inches Whole towns pop up on the ice and even 18 wheelers can travel on the ice. I doubt the weight of a TT will cause any issue at all.
  • kearlms wrote:
    Live ice fishing, love the idea. Just dont know if I could bring myself to pulling it out on the ice

    Yep, along with another major flaw of auto insurance not covering the car or truck. A quad or snowmobile isn't pulling that.
  • Live ice fishing, love the idea. Just dont know if I could bring myself to pulling it out on the ice
  • coolmom42 wrote:
    Are those augers in the wheel wells, for boring holes in the ice??? Or just jacks for leveling?

    From what little I know of ice fishing, the ice houses that people use don't have any kind of escape hatches either. So why would a trailer need them?

    Someone has bought it, regardless!

    Oh I dont know, maybe about a 2,000 pound difference in weight. Many are tent like but do it yourselfers sometimes build lightweight thin plywood ones that can be pulled by hand or a quad or snowmobile. Lol, no those are electric jacks for lowering itself down on the ice. They do make electric ice augers now but bubba may still want his 2 stroke ice auger inside. I know I do love the smell of two stroke oil but it's in the woods while dirt biking.
  • I had a row boat tip over when I was a kid, I wish they put escape hatches on the bottom of those things.
  • Are those augers in the wheel wells, for boring holes in the ice??? Or just jacks for leveling?

    From what little I know of ice fishing, the ice houses that people use don't have any kind of escape hatches either. So why would a trailer need them?

    Someone has bought it, regardless!