In the industry that I work in and probably most industries today there is what is now called the "safety culture". " Hey Jeff,I hear you hit you hand with a hammer last week,weren't you wearing your gloves? now we have a recordable injury" I have gotten company notices of injuries were someone hit there finger on a desk and made a report. If you get hurt now you must be ignoring the "safety culture mantra"
There is nothing different today riding in the back of a camper OR truck than there was when you were a kid other than the people that are on the road. So if you say " no way is anyone going to ride in my camper it is to dangerous" is it because you can't drive as well as the last generation i.e. your father/mother? I don't think so. Is it be cause the cars/trucks are safer,that is not going to help if you are in the back of a camper or riding in a A or C RV. Sh#$ happens,is that going to stop you from white water rafting or hiking along cliffs I don't think so. I am sorry about this rant on riding in the back of a camper and about how safe it is. It is only the wife and I and in the future hopefully another dog and none of us (Rosie my last dog included) has ever ridden in the back and probably never will but it has nothing to do with the "DANGERS" of doing so. Now in a perfect world no one would ever get hurt. But this isn't a perfect world. Again sorry for the rant.
OOOO just saw the post before mine god forbid don't ride a motorcycle,my doctor calls them "DONOR VEHICLES"