The kitchen window has: "Beware of Dog" and "No Trespassing" signs in it. (likely because of the 420) LOL
I just went by to get the car washed and it is still parked there. Maybe they undid the yellow strap to get inside the camper and now are stuck? Don't they realize that is what the other strap is there for? Safety? LOL
Also what my iPhone photo did not really pick up is the rear suspension is ether bottomed out or close to it. The rear tires appear to be "1/2 inflated" because they are so squished down because of the weight (about 1/2 the normal height).
Then there's the mirrors. Or lack thereof. Since the camper door does not have a bottom window in it, the side mirrors is all they have and they appear to be standard STOCK mirrors. (Talk about blind spots!)
I'm very surprised that nether the WEIGHT POLICE or COG POLICE have not jumped all over this prime example of a missmatched truck+camper! (and totally inapproprate "tie down method".
They may be modern nomads. It might be all they have cause it is all they can afford.
I'm not educated on Chevy lingo so a "Z71" is the one ton right? LOL