thib2722 wrote:
Running above 65 mph is more than a tire issue. It's a control and braking issue. If some idiot pulls out in front of you, will you be able to stop?
I'd rather arrive 30 minutes later safe than the alternative.
Here we go again... what is the "magical number" that makes you safe when this idiot pulls out in front of you? 66 is unsafe, but 64 is okay? You are still going to wreck... What about 50? 40? 30? I'd say 20 miles an hour is your safest. Its easier to lock up your brakes and maintain control at 20. Then again... 10 is half the speed. You know what... we probably shouldn't tow at all. Find a nice spot and sit there and build high walls of thick material to keep all the idiots out.
Uh oh... what about the idiots INSIDE the fortress now...???