SprinklerMan wrote:
There is big money in tires . Companies want profit . NOW I am wondering .
Why the big name tire companies , Michelin , firestone ,yokahama ,etc dont make ST tires ?( goodyear does but they sub it out )
Why are most of the ST tires made overseas by companies you havent heard of ?
With all the cars and trucks on the road why dont you see towmaster and hercules tires with a passanger car or truck tire line .
When ST tires are marked " trailer use only " or "not for passanger use " Why arent they good enough for a car or truck ?
Why are ST tires speed limited at 65 mph when there are roads in the US with higher speed limits ?
Well I hate to say this but you are incorrect on almost every front.
Those companies DO Make ST tires...but their largest market is for Tractor Trailers
Most tires PERIOD are made overseas.
Many ST tires in smaller sizes are rated for more than 65
ST tires are actually made to do a specific job. They are not suitable for use on a passenger car ESPECIALLY on the STEERING AXLE and this is due to their sidewall design.