Huntindog wrote:
rbpru wrote:
A person can ignore the fact that LTs were once used for trailer service and now are no longer the recommended type of tire for that service.
A person can ignore the facts that even with more rigorous testing LTs are not recommended for trailer service.
A person can ignore the fact that the tire industry spent time and resources to develop the ST tire specifically for trailer service.
A person can even ignore the fact that those tire companies that do not make ST tires would rather lose sales than recommended their LT tires for trailer use.
It is a free country, a person can choose what they want.
A person can also ignore the fact that LT tires are TODAY either standard equiptment or offered as an optional upgrade on high end TTs and 5vers.
And again, it comes down to cost. Those companies that offer LT as an option, quite simply have to charge the end consumer more money for the better product line of LT tires. Quality costs money.
As for me, for instance on my horse trailers, I don't have time for failed tires if I can avoid it. I also don't have time to dink around in the right hand lane at low speeds on hot days to keep a marginal tire alive and round. When I have a horse or horses in the trailer, I need to get to the barn, no matter the weather, as soon as I safely can. And I need tires that are tough enough take the fact I often need to, in tight parking situations, twist these trailers around in circles if needed. LT tires have provided me the service, reliability and durability to do this, over and over, year after year. For what it's worth, I've had excellent service out of Uniroyal Laredo, and Firestone Transforce in 16", and on my 4000 pound camper, I'm getting excellent service out of Kumho 857 commercial light truck tires (14").
These same old tired arguments get trotted out every single time by the same posters, who, as H-Dog points out like to ignore the fact that higher end trailers are routinely fitted with LT.
Buyer beware. The info is out there. Your money, your choice.
EDIT: ps, the Kumho 857 has the designation "LT Radial" on the sidewall, even though some here have said it does not. I can post a picture if needed.