Huntindog wrote:
rbpru wrote:
A person can ignore the fact that LTs were once used for trailer service and now are no longer the recommended type of tire for that service.
A person can ignore the facts that even with more rigorous testing LTs are not recommended for trailer service.
A person can ignore the fact that the tire industry spent time and resources to develop the ST tire specifically for trailer service.
A person can even ignore the fact that those tire companies that do not make ST tires would rather lose sales than recommended their LT tires for trailer use.
It is a free country, a person can choose what they want.
A person can also ignore the fact that LT tires are TODAY either standard equiptment or offered as an optional upgrade on high end TTs and 5vers.
I think what you are either ignoring or missing or just may not know is that those LT tires are rated and manufactured as Dual Purpose tires. They are NOT your regular LT tires. Not ALL LT tires are rated or recommended for use as trail tires. In fact to be used as a trail tire the LT needs to have larger steel bands and thicker cords and stiffer sidewalls than an LT (only) tire of the same size/rating.
As for the contention that LT tires were once used for trailers...This I am looking into. But my recollection from my family's business (Trucking) from when I was a kid...50 years ago is that we had ST tires then. But my memory is just not clear on this and neither is my older brothers. But my guess is this contention is just more myth than fact.