popeyemth wrote:
You're splitting hairs Wayne.
The stickers you show are not put on out of the goodness of the manufacturer hearts,and I am not a lawyer with ability to quote you what chapter and verse requires those stickers.
Yes you could change tires and wheels
Yes I did misspeak when I said gross weight instead of just weight
Sorry I tried to contribute.
I appreciate the info, but do ask that if it is stated as fact some kind of evidence would be nice. I take it very serious when I may be violating the law. When you or I state something is the law, is it unreasonable to ask which one?
I posted the decals to show what mine had for info, not to split hairs. They do not have the data you stated. The TC sticker says it weights 1900 pounds. I weigh it at 4200 pounds. I think you are correct that the stickers were not put on out of the goodness of the manufacturer hearts.
Several years ago I researched the door decals. It has been so long ago I do not remember the source of information other than it was government related. I do not remember the details, The jist of what I found was most of the data on the decals were the result of a consumer group wanting a decal in vehicles with various information, primarily to do with tires. As I recall, all of the automobile manufactures were involved. I think it was Volkswagon that took the lead for the manufactures. I don't remember if this was the result of a law suit or not. I do remember, the sticker on the door of my truck has the information that was agreed on. It is for this reason I brought this up. It is possible it is, or has become, law and could have been expanded on. Take what I have posted here with a grain of salt because I can't provide a source.