Forum Discussion

astraelraen's avatar
Jun 13, 2014

Steering wheel angle while towing

Just picked up a 2007 Nash 27E. Noticed on the drive home the same steering wheel "problem" I had with a prior trailer.

Wondering if anyone has ever seen this? It seems like with the trailer hooked up steering input is really "dull." Maybe it is by design by Ford.

Maybe its my weight distribution? Maybe theres not enough weight on the front wheels? I haven't weighed it, but there is no visual sag in the rear or rise in the front.

These are all pictures of driving in a straight line. The angle of the steering wheel was necessary to make the truck go in a straight line. Doesn't seem like it should be normal? But it ONLY happens with a trailer hooked up. I can unhook the trailer and immediately the truck has no steering "issues."

  • Both travel trailers I owned had the same problem? Seems kind of odd unless axle alignment or brake problems are common issues?

    The ONLY common factors between trailers is the vehicle. I had a different hitch with the first trailer.
  • It is NOT the hitch. I have used a single friction control, then a double, and am now on my second Equalizer. Never had this issue. Start with the simple stuff. Are all tires at the proper PSI? Best to check it early in the morning, as the sun can heat one side up, causing the psi measurement to be off.
    It also could be a alignment issue with the TT. That could cause it to pull to one side. It could be a dragging brake or a tight bearing as well as well.
  • Equalizer brand is a friction hitch and yes this is the result of that hitch, FYI I had this hitch on 2 different trailers and yes that was the result of the friction style leveling hitch.
  • It is an Equalizer brand hitch. Not the "cheap" friction sway bar? Is that what you mean?

    My prior trailer a Pioneer 18CK did the same thing to the steering.
  • Are you using friction sway control? Friction sway control can induce a slip angle into the tow vehicle.

    The steering geometry of the F150 shouldn't really be affected by ride height.
  • Yes, my previous van and TT did that as well as my X and current trailer. I've tried to figure it out, even tried adjusting the DC to see if it was pushing the truck to one side. Still the same. I've learnes to live with it.