colliehauler wrote:
Terryallan wrote:
Don't be all tore up. they want $130.00 just to plug in, and tell me which seat sensor is bad. Not to fix it. Just tell which one is bad. so. it is still bad, and probably won't be fixed. she said the air bag won't work with it on. Truthfully. that ain't a bad thing for me. I sit pretty close to the steering wheel, and it isn't good for a airbag to go off when you sit close to it.
Why do I sit so close. I found I have better control while sitting close, as opposed to having my arm stretched out.
O'Reilly Auto Parts will let you use their code reader for free.
thanks. will it read the seat sensors as well? that little guy that sit in the seat with a belt on. lights up on the cluster. But not all the time.