I appreciate the post so far from happy2rv, because adding that L channel and converting the twist open side to a lock as well would probably get me where I want to be.
As far as moving, it is very difficult to find suitable storage for my size rig at a reasonable price. I could move to one that costs about $130 more than what I pay now but that adds up to $1,560 per year in additional costs. The stuff that was taken was a grill, griddle, collapsible trash can, butane stove, area mat, and dog dishes. A few hundred dollars worth. I don't think that trade off is worth it yet.
This was likely the work of nearby homeless losers (there were cameras so they are reviewing footage). The vagrants are fairly easily thwarted and though they tested my trailer entrance doors the deadbolts stopped them (I don't lock the upper latch on the doors so that people like this don't break them to see if the deadbolt is secured). They didn't break the glass to get in and they could have done that, so I am thinking they are going for the low hanging fruit. If nothing better than the L channel idea comes along I am going to do that.
PS to azdryheat: What would compel you to post an unhelpful response response like that? I was asking for a way to improve my rig. I already know about the option to shrug my shoulders and give up, but I prefer not to roll over quite that easy.