pbitschura wrote:
Our new to us trailer on it's first voyage has a strong urine smell beginning in the bathroom and after pumping permeates the whole trailer. It's a dometic toilet. It appears to be tight and no seal leaks, I could find. I suspect it's a venting issue. Granted, it was 90 and we stayed hydrated so there is that. But black tank level was 1/3 full. We have not used any tank chemicals other than Galgon to this point.
help please.
So, had the same problem and after much washing, sanitizing, dumping, cleaning I found the problem...well, at least, our problem. 1st question, is your Dometic Toilet all plastic. 2nd questions, do you flush the toilet after every use-ish. Asking, because, we have a plastic Dometic and while we were boon docking we got into the habit of not flushing the toilet after urinating a few times in a row. With the Dometic plastic toilet I've found that if there is more than and inch or sow of liquid in the bowl, it will seep into the area between the outside of the toilet and the bowl and just sit there and ferment. I found this out when the smell just recently got so bad I removed the toilet and took it outside and when I tipped it back to check the bolt down flange seal all this nasty yuk came pouring out............thank goodness I did this outside! I took the toilet all a part to investigate the cause and the seal that the flush gate seal to is only for that and not to prevent liquid from getting into no-mans'-land between the bowl and the outside. Yes, I'm going back to the Thetford Aqua-Magic Toilet with a China Bowl. Never had this issue til we replaced the Aqua-Magic......cause I broke the bowl on the Aqua-Magic.