Unlike travel nutdz, I've had nothing but bad luck with air bags. It's not just the fittings but the bouncy ride when you have any amount of air in them. Too much recoil for me. I worked my spring packs the same way I worked countless leaf spring packs on 4-bys I've had in the past, except with the Dodge I have 3 leaves on the secondary (upper overload) pack which don't come into play( added Stable Loads to make that happen at the right time) until there is the regular camper load on them. I added one more 3" lift 'helper spring' into the pack as the rear was a couple inches lower than the front with the Lance on. This actually helped the ride. Point is, I got there by degrees adding what I thought I would need only after seeing if the current upgrade was enough. Disposition of Stable Load with no load on the truck:

8 pack: 3 upper secondaries, two thin and one thicker; 4 main springs; 1-1800 pound, 3" lift helper spring; 1 useless lower overload spring. With the 7 springs above the overload, they will never compress enough to even touch the overload. I was thinking of just cutting it off to about 8" and realize its real use which is as a spacer.

Of course my entire rig is lighter duty than your mighty Chevy so you will have to figure out the edges in the process listed above.