pirlbeck wrote:
996Pilot wrote:
On my 2006 Dodge RAM 2500 CTD I had too much sway loaded. First I tried Firestone Ride Rite airbags - big mistake (should have read the forum first). Then I installed a Big Wig Sway Bar (1-5/16" diameter) which helped but still was bad due to the "added" sway caused by the airbags (should have read the forum first). Then I installed lower Stableloads and fixed all of it. Wish I would have read the forums first. BTW they were the easiest (and cheapest) install out of all three.
Where the airbags plumbed separate or tee'd together?
Mine were separate as the left side of my camper is a bit heavier than the right and I would apply different pressure to get it a bit more level from side to side. What I noticed (as others have verified) was that with the airbags inflated it took about 3 inches (of squat) to engage the overloads. When the overloads engaged, that's when things got really solid (not before). So the airbags were just allowing non-engagement of the overload and the sway/rocking was evident until it got down to the overload.
For the person that mentioned the jarring ride with Stableloads and the truck unloaded, the Stableload design takes care of that by allowing a simple 90 degree swing to disengage. Takes about 30 seconds a side to engage/disengage. With them disengaged, the ride is identical to stock.
This was just my experience on my Dodge RAM loaded with my camper. Your experience may differ for your rig. I chimed in on the thread ONLY because I have an identical truck as the OP and I thought I'd relay my experience with a similar truck that had similar issues.