Don't forget there are bed bugs in the hotels ....
This is not true to a very great extent. We've been staying in hotels intensively for the past 1.2 years across the US (and parts of Canada), and not once did we carry bed bugs out with us. Nada. Regardless what the "Media" screams, only the lowest rated hotels would ever allow a guest into a room with this infestation.
Seasoned (and, partially seasoned) hotel genre travelers
are well aware of the potential issues vs hotels and bed bugs; this vigilance coupled with the immediate and swift
market repudiation is a
major incentive for most hotels to keep
severe and strict surveillance protocols in place.
An personal anecdote: of the
hundreds of hotels I have booked across Central America while working as a contractor down there, I've only run into the bed bug issue in under roughly 5% of the rooms I've ever occupied!
No amount of scare tactics can convince an RVer to go back to RVing if they have run out of interest in the genre. When you've hit the RVing lifestyle brick wall (for myriad reasons very specific to the user), you've hit it. Some return to the lifestyle, some don't. That's life.
I wish the Member a tremendous life of travel on-board extremely inexpensive airlines and in the many cheap 5-star hotels and B & Bs and guest houses around the World, and a good riddance to long-distance travel on our statistically hellaciously-dangerous roads!