I also received the recall letter about my 2009 Suburban. I was at the Chevy dealer for another reason and decided to ask the service guy about it. He said that since Takata went bankrupt it's hard getting replacements and GM has only authorized to do the oldest effected vehicles first which was 2007. He said even if I had a 2007 they probably couldn't get a replacement for a while and since I had a 2009 there was no reason to even think about getting one right now.
Despite a recall or bankruptcy it's very difficult buying much of anything right now. From trucks to electrical supplies, appliances to motorcycles everything is in high demand and short supply. I'm an electrical contractor and I buy materials daily. I used to know which supplier had the best prices on which items and would purchase accordingly. Now it's all about which supplier actually has an item in stock and you pay the price because you need it for the job. Even then, my wait times for most materials are drastically longer then they were before, if I can even get something at all.