spoon059 wrote:
With all due respect to bigdogger, I think the OP is talking about the brand bashing, the GVWR bashing, the diesel vs gas bashing.
As long as you are within your weight ratings, any of the manufacturers make a quality product. Playful banter about one truck being "better" than another are one thing, but you have some people that just outright are spreading false information about trucks that they have never owned, never driven, never used to tow, etc. They are incorrectly leading other people astray with false information. Some people love diesel, some people like the convenience of gas. I don't understand why people get so worked up about someone pulling with different technology.
When you have someone come here who legitimately doesn't understand weight ratings and whatnot, its not helpful to spread false information.
Now, I agree with you that its great to hear well thought out arguments supported by fact, measurements, weights, etc. I think a great majority of people here provide useful information that is correct... however there are a LOUD minority that spread lies;
You can't tow ANYTHING with a Tundra, the C-channel frame will snap in half and kill your family.
Anything without a diesel engine is only good for picking up groceries.
The (name any brand specific engine here) will break at the worst time and impregnate your daughter.
6.5 foot beds aren't on real trucks.
8 foot beds are for people who are insecure about genitalia size.
All capacities of a truck are based upon the fully loaded (heaviest) model with the lowest payload.
All capacities of a truck are based upon the stripped down (lightest) model with the highest payload.
Even though my payload is only X, I can tow any weight I want because of Y.
Even though your payload is X, you should NEVER tow anywhere close to that weight and please tell me where you drive so that your inferior truck doesn't have a catastrophic mechanical problem and damage my truck.
That is what is annoying. I enjoy a good discussion as much as anybody, but only if you support your side with fact and truthful information. All the mindless bashing and false information is annoying and potentially damaging to people that don't know better.
That being said, I enjoy about 99% of the threads that I read and am appreciative of the information provided by most of the people here. I have learned things here that I might not have learned, or learned the hard way. I have gotten to share the wealth of knowledge of millions of miles of towing, years of experience and the trials and errors of others.
While I am guilty of following threads off topics at times, I hope that I am not a reason for people's frustrations on this board. I get suckered into the posts that I see possess outright false information and try to set the record straight. I try to ignore most of the ludicrous nonsense... but sometimes I can't help myself.
Sorry, but I disagree. Your post is a perfect example. I couldn't care less about weights, towing capacity, C channels, Ford vs Dodge vs GM vs the Tucker Torpedo. So what I do is quit reading (and I confess I did that about 1/3 way through your post). I don't threaten to take my ball and go home because I don't like a particular thread or post. Fight all you want about those issues, you lost me at "Ford or Chevy, which ...".
And the people that resort to name calling, threats, and other obnoxious behavior? Well it's pretty hard to beat up ole "Bigdogger in Texas". Odds are you will have to go through a few million random fistfights before chance lands you face to face with me, and all the other behaviors just support the fact that the idiot in the discussion is the person they see in the mirror.