We have an F350 with a Northstar Igloo, 3600-3800 pounds wet. I have upper stable loads and Sumo Springs. I purposely chose not to go with airbags. No issues at all with wind or sway and we have been on some pretty wild roads in Alaska and in a lot of wind going across the USA. My preference is to eliminate as many points of failure as possible and since airbags require pumps, hoses and fittings I chose to avoid any potential issue with those items on my rig. Others will surely chime in with experience with air bags who have never had an issue and swear by them. I'd say it is a decision you will have to make accounting for where you want to go, what your risk tolerance is and how well your truck handles whatever camper you want to load on it. You will get an equal number of "I love air bags" and "I don't use them".