Main reason why having 40' motorhome I bought camper was that having pickup already, I was not facing any legal fees and could park it on my property, while city ordinance was chasing my motorhome into remote storage.
That was at the time when boys left the home and 40' of space was no longer needed.
I think there still lot of misconception between potential buyers.
While new TC with slides do look nice, not too many truck owners drive F450 or beefed up F350 dually to carry them.
I was negotiating with seller of triple-slide that is beautiful coach, but 600 miles from my place.
He wrote me back that the potential buyer, regardless warnings drove 400 miles with his SRW only to find out he REALLY can't handle the camper.
Very likely the potential buyer was buying the truck from one of "those" salesman.
"Sure you can haul almost everything with this F150"