Forum Discussion

hedgehopper's avatar
Jan 22, 2016

TC Forum: Senior Members

At the time that we were celebrating Sleepy's birthday, the question came up: Who is the most-senior member of the TC Forum? Depending upon our definition of "senior member," there could be two answers: (1) Who is the most senior by virtue of age? (2) Who has been on the TC Forum the longest? And maybe there are other ways to define "senior member"?

(1) Having celebrated birthday 79 last week, I will start the ball rolling on question (1). But surely some of you have celebrated more birthdays than I have.

(2) Who has been on the TC Forum the longest?

(3) Who is the most-senior member by some other definition?

Note added: I am addressing people who are still camping in a TC. When campers decide they no longer want to climb into bed in a TC, I have observed that some move on to other types of RVs. So having previously been a TCer doesn't count.
  • I'm always 21 in my head, regardless of the year. I used to be 18 but was unable to drink in the bars so I changed my age.
    I'm not sure who is the most senior on the TC forum, but someday, I hope it is me!
  • I'm not a TC, but I read this thread all the time. How about the the same definition that uses? Number of posts?
  • I think there are threads for both in the archives. I'm not sure about (3). :)
  • NOT THAT LONG AGO we have been in waiting line to one of the casino buffet.
    Out of boredom we start reading posters around.
    "If you are 55 or better, you get 1/2 of the buffet price"
    We were young, but we did qualify. Did not feel good being call senior, but 25 bucks is 25 bucks.
  • Although I don't have a TC, I often check in on that forum...
    My answer: I don't want to be the most, "senior," anywhere...period.