Forum Discussion

deltabravo's avatar
Jul 09, 2018

TC Rally in LaGrande, OR this week...Who is going?

Who else is planning on going?

My plan so far is to go, and I am signed up, but I have a bad habit of changing plans at the last minute, and have done so 4 times in the last week.

Last I knew, the rally was full, so it's too late to sign up.

  • Wi-Fi is kind of slow here at the moment. Lots of web traffic I am guessing.
  • I'm here. I arrived about an hour ago. There's a few rigs I recognize from members here.

    I'm in site 17, which is the row nearest the back of the park, second site from the east end.

    AF811 and monster toybox cargo trailer.
  • bighatnohorse wrote:
    They had a couple of cancellations - there's space available.
    I'm going if I can get the slide on my Lance camper closed.

    Any luck getting it fixed?
  • They had a couple of cancellations - there's space available.
    I'm going if I can get the slide on my Lance camper closed. It's making popping noises really bad when opening or closing.
    I've called the RV resort and got the number of a local mobile RV repair company near the resort just in case. I'm pretty determined to go almost no matter what.
  • We are signed up and have had to cancel (you guys are the first to know) because we lost a great friend last week. We felt it's better to hang around for now. I do have a campsite if anybody would like to go at no charge if somebody could take the time to go.
    Let me know either here or PM and I'll give you the info-
  • mountainkowboy wrote:
    I wish we were, but timing didnt work for us

    I hear ya on the timing aspect... not so much timing of this event, but timing of other events during the same time frame... that's what has caused me to waffle over the last 2 weeks on which event to attend.

    Since I made plans to attend this rally last fall, that's what I need to stick with doing.... and do some tax free shopping in Oregon while I'm there. :-)