Kayteg1 wrote:
For sounds - $7 buys you RADIO TRANSMITER
what you can use to run TV sound via camper radio.
Where did you learn fishing?
I never had a patience for it in my life, but looks that now with no more sons and dogs getting old, I might check this option for time killing.
Cool I will check that out!
Fishing? I started young (though not as young as some) and began fishing when I was about 10...learned a little from my dad who's a lefty so I learned to real with my right but I do cast with my right too....so I'm a mix i guess. I cast, flip the rod and real right handed LOL...anyway, I fished a LOT in BC as a kid and can cast pretty well I think but I'm not pro! I fish primarily for Rainbows and love doing it :D I eat them too so catch and release isn't really for me but in Coffee Pot it's 18" or bigger only for trout so you have to learn to release without hurting the fish. I did well I think as mine swam away quickly once released.
I am thinking of trying fly fishing though but who knows. For now I'm just a spin caster and love to do it on a quiet lake in the middle of no where :D Nothing better!