Forum Discussion

Oasisbob's avatar
Aug 30, 2017


1975 SIX PAC camper. I think the previous owner had issues. Combine that with my inexperience and I have some questions. I see no D.C. wiring plug or wires that look to connect to truck or seperate battery. Generally where would this connect? Two connections? Running lights and a second for interior lights? Thanks guys.
  • Oasisbob wrote:
    Just has running lights. So those plug into the trailer plug on the TV?

    Yes, your running lights could plug in there....unless you plan to have a trailer of course.

    If you plan on having a battery in the six pac and some lights, you could easily get away with a garden tractor battery. Or you could just forget the battery and use some penlight batteries and some LED lights. They last a long time and are easily replaceable.
  • I had a 1973 vintage TC that I used on my 1990 Chev 3/4 ton truck over 25 years ago. It had a 110 volt circuit for one inside outlet, and one light (and one small electrical panel with one 15 amp breaker). It had propane for the stove, heater, and one propane light. There was only one 12 volt circuit for a porch light and two lights on the interior that used 1156 bulbs. The water system consisted of one pressurized cold faucet (that's all the hose supplied), and one cold water pump/faucet that drew water from the fresh water tank. The fridge was just an icebox, and the toilet was a porta-potty in the closet. That was it. No converter, no 12 V fuse panel, no battery other than the trucks main battery. That's why you would often see two batteries under the hood of older trucks, with one separated from the truck's main battery by a 12V isolator. The truck would charge the extra battery while running, but the isolator protected you from running down both batteries so you could always start the truck. My TC had a simple 5 pin harness that you wired into the truck so you would have running lights, 12V, brake lights, turn signals, and a ground. Your camper may be equally as simple. And you know what? I still get nostalgic for that old camper. Chilly nights spent on the Oregon coast in a storm with rain sheeting down, reading a book sitting in that cozy old camper.

  • Just has running lights. So those plug into the trailer plug on the TV?
  • Yes you are correct there should be 2 different 12v one for your breaks/turn signals, reverse and running lights and second the interior lights and all other stuff running on 12v inside the TC that runs off of a converter/inverter inside the camper

    If you truck lights are not obstructed by the camper then there may not need the break/turn signal

    Seeing that I was only 14 in 1975 I'm not up on the technology at that time
  • When I had a Security Traveller from about that vintage, it drove me nuts for awhile until I finally figured out the neutrals were all in the skin. If you have a metal skin, the first place to start is to make sure you have a good ground using your meter on ohms from the truck. Perhaps your unit only has running lights from the truck. You would then use your trailer plug. In those days, interior batteries were often not charged from the truck. Fridges and heaters ran off propane and never used any power. My rig was like that, it sat in front of Caesar's Palace under the marquis for three days at 107F and the fridge kept the milk cold without an single watt of power from the battery in the unit. I did install a 7 pin plug so the battery did get charge from the truck, but the battery only ran the interior lights, nothing else.
  • Sorry guys I just am not seeing any plug in or wires for D.C. . Am I correct in there being two seperat DC wiring. Running lights & interior lights? Any thoughts?