Some questions everyone should answer for themselves:
1. Will this be an annual vaccine you need reapplied
2. When will be the best time of year to get vaccinated
3. Do you have allergies that may require immediate medical if triggered
4. What are the long term effects of receiving the vaccine verses not
5. What exposure level do you have to others
6. Is there a medical history in your family you can baseline
I am not squeamish toward needles or blood and lived through the era of multiple pneumatic injections and even small pox vaccinations. I will weigh my current health condition and my frequency of exposure to others to determine if or when I am vaccinated. It may turn out people that were exposed (whether asymptomatic or recovered) may not need this vaccine and it should go to someone more susceptible. It may turn out that your hand will be forced to take it if you want to enter any venues where people gather or to use a transport other than your than own (no vaccination, no service requirement).