mkirsch wrote:
GDS-3950BH wrote:
In the healthcare community they are of a mindset where somewhere between 30% to 40% of healthcare workers are refusing to take the vaccine, now what?
Refusing, WHY? Did they already have the disease, and are giving their dose to someone else for whom the need is more urgent? Do they have underlying health conditions that precludes them from getting the shot?
Good thing that herd immunity is achieved through BOTH vaccination and getting the disease.
What is your source for this information?
It's been all over the news... which is surprising considering how panic driven the news tends to be. Showing two sides to something doesn't seem to be a norm lately.
First hit on a search.. numbers as high as 60% 'no' in some of the polls.
NY Post articleEveryone's opinion of this 'pandemic' is different. Personally, it sounded pretty bad when it first hit. Numbers don't show that and the fact that we didn't and don't seem to adjust and, seem to get dumber over time in responses (shut down...again and again when it's clear that doesn't work???) is fore front in my thoughts..
Some of the thinking behind those that won't take the vaccine is in dealing with known numbers vs. unknown, but assumed outcomes. 99.8% survival rate (or whatever number you want to use) vs. a vaccine without a proven track record, with a varying (60-95%) chance of working against the bug, with completely unknown long term side effects. It's a personal choice, and there is no right or wrong. I have a couple of friends who are severely compromised and older; totally get while they would take it. And I have LEO, health care workers and folks that work in safety programs for a living, friends, who totally don't buy the risk/reward for getting the vaccine.
As others have pointed out, this thing did turn political. When government forces rules and behavior as opposed to offering guidance and letting people make informed decisions and act accordingly, it's going to turn political. Not saying that's bad or not, but it's a reality of the situation we're in.
Personally, I think this 'save a life at any cost' is nuts. If that's what we're doing, we should stop selling Doritos to fat people. After all, we lose 350k+ a year to obesity...