Official announcement is here for the 2018 Rally!
July 11 - 15 2018
La Grande, Oregon
Grande Hot Springs Resort
A sign up for the rally will soon be available.
You must contact the resort to make your own reservations, be sure to tell them you are with the group.
There is absolutely NO FEE to attend this rally! Your only fee is your site reservations.
Plans for the rally include:
Northwood Manufacturing show and tell. (still working on logistics)
Caravan to the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center (Baker City)
RV Supporting Manufacturers show and tell
Hawaiian themed dinner and potluck (Maui steaks or chicken supplied for free to current NATCOA members)
Movie night
Games and more!
Also, there will be a pre-rally caravan for those interested.
This will be confirmed soon. Plan is to meet in Prairie City on July 10th and stay at the local RV park. Morning of July 11th we will caravan to Sumpter Oregon to tour the gold dredge there. After a couple hours of touring the old dredge we will caravan to the rally location in La Grande.
Keep an eye on this topic for more details and the sign up link. If you want to make your reservations now, please feel free to do so.
Resort link: