Reality Check wrote:
SCVJeff wrote:
And that's why they call you Reality Check.. :B
Best friends with Capt. Obvious... lol
The forums are a great resource, entertaining, full of life and of course, massive miss information. I'm always amazed at questions that pop up and the answers that come out of left field. If one can weed through the posts from people who like to tell 'their' story vs those offering solid does well.
We all have a talent, earned somewhere. Some of us are jacks of lot's of trades, masters at none, some are experts and beyond within a certain field. Trick to good writing is only offering advice that is truly based on something other than you like telling stories.
Makes good reading, albeit frustrating at times.
Kudos to experts continuing the effort. Per Dog Folks, he often doesn't post because it seems that it's useless. I assure him, it is not. There are enough of us on here that weed through the responses to make it worthwhile even if we often don't point it out.
Of course, I'm not an expert on anything except my opinion.. Carry on.
this was a good one.. Way before I read to the bottom and not looking at the author I knew this guy obviously knows wazup. After that its funny to see who comes along to take exception.. Better than a good movie at times :)