Forum Discussion

jabres's avatar
Explorer II
Jun 12, 2019

Terrible condensation/mold? What to use to prevent

So, I have a 2014 Keystone Hideout travel trailer. Bought brand new, was tired of used leaky trailers. I have kept inside my pole barn since day one, so never ever leaked a drop of water.
This winter, I never messed with it much, or really even went in to check on it. Just knew it was winterized, inside, and good to go. WELL, not so much. I left a few windows partially opened, and it appears I suffered from interior condensation and now surface mold in spots from over winter storage. More than just a tad bit, so really makes me mad!!
How do I control this from happening again? Rid-ex stuff? I really hate the idea to plug in a dehumidifier all winter long. Ironically the mold attached to random things like baby pack and play, skillet, and other random things that I threw out. I will be scrubbing everything else top to bottom this weekend.
Thanks in advance!
  • You apparently have a very humid environment where you store the TT. We keep a large bucket of cat litter open in our living area, a large bowl in the bathroom and another in our bedroom. Ours is stored uncovered outside and we have never had a mold issue.
  • A Dehumidifier is your best bet.
    I understand you were trying to avoid using one, but that's the way to go.
    I redid an old camper this Spring. It had some Mold issues.
    It took me a while to get it taken care of. (It had a leaky roof)
    After I got it waterproof, I went around the windows and fixed a couple of poor fits.
    I added rubber around the door to help keep out the cold/water too.
    Working on my storage compartments was a little bit of work too...
    I worked on that old camper Feb till May. Finally fixed most things on my list.
    By far, the Mold was the most annoying to work on. Nasty stuff.
    Work on yours a little at a time, get it right, then go camping...
    I said that like it was easy... NOT EASY.
  • Mold only grows where the air is damp. Trailers are not air tight nor can they be made air tight. Dehumidifiers pull a ton of water out of the air. Rid-ex or rice or whatever...….not so much.

    IMHO a dehumidifier is your only option unless you want mold growing in your trailer all the time.

    PS it will grow where you can't see it or even get to it. IOW's mold is REALLY hard to get rid of.