Forum Discussion

  • Grit dog wrote:
    RoyF wrote:
    The truck may not be overloaded. Maybe somebody who knows about hay can tell us how much that load ought to weigh.

    As much as I'm not the weight cops, I'm pretty sure the scale pic of just shy of 53k gcvw is a bit over every rating in the book, save for DOT bridge/axle laws.

    Am I bad...but once again, I agree with Grit, concerning that scaled wt. Also looking at the axles of trailer, while a triple, they are well back from trailer center.

  • RoyF wrote:
    The truck may not be overloaded. Maybe somebody who knows about hay can tell us how much that load ought to weigh.

    As much as I'm not the weight cops, I'm pretty sure the scale pic of just shy of 53k gcvw is a bit over every rating in the book, save for DOT bridge/axle laws.
  • Truck it's self is probably not overloaded. Take 10k off and then take 15% of the load that's only 6,450#. My pin is 6k and I am at my RAWR of 9,750#.
  • The truck may not be overloaded. Maybe somebody who knows about hay can tell us how much that load ought to weigh.
  • Thinking of Me Again's thread below, this shows an ACTUAL Ford at work.

    It just tells us, no matter the size of the truck, someone will overload it!
