Forum Discussion

sgtcoffey's avatar
Jul 17, 2013

That Shaky & moving feeling

Morning all
We have officially moved into our Outback 312BH. We have notice that this TT has more shake and movement when people or ever our dog walk around.

This is the first Ultra-Light and biggest TT we have owned. IT has two slides.

We are wondering what is the best and safest way to stop most of the shake or movement.

We will be in our TT until we finally move back to Vegas then until we buy our house, so we are looking anywhere from 6 - 12 months.

We already have Tire chocks between both sets of tires. The leveling legs are not fully extended.

Thanks for your Help

Mike & Carol
  • There are several brands/types of stabilizers available. I'd make sure your built-in stabilizer jacks are fully down (I usually crank them until they have firm ground contact, then give 'em another half crank).

    You can try X-chocks (available for regular and wide stance axles).

    A bit more expensive but also more effective are JT Strongarm.