Forum Discussion

Craig_and_kitte's avatar
Aug 05, 2014

The dreaded confuzzled newbie

We are in the process of buying a new travel trailer. I thought I had the whole weight thing figured out but now I'm a little unsure.
We are buying a coachmen clipper 16th
Hitch Weight 318 lbs Dry Weight 2,503 lbs Gross Weight 3,538 lbs Cargo Weight 1,018 lbs.

we have a mitzubishi raider. The max cargo is 1603 and towing capacity is right at 4000.

Will this work for us?
We know the trailer is tiny but with it being just her and I we really like it.

Also, as hard as I have tried to search, I can't find reviews on this trailer to save my life. Good, bad, or indifferent.

I have a million other questions but I think this is the most important first question.

I am just having a hard time with all the math and conflicting info out there.

Thanks for any help/advice your willing to give.