FreeLanceing wrote:
I bought a truck with 188000 miles on it(2500HD gas). I rigged it up to carry my camper and drove it to alaska and back. I put some money into it but Ill bet I could sell it today for more than I have in it or at the least break even. It has 199k and change today. Next week I will load it up and head for SD. I don't even think about a break down. My good friend owns an small auto repair shop. He told me you can fix most gas engines for a few hundred, most diesel for a few thousand. I went with the gas. No regrets.
You gas guys are so insecure. I have put hundreds into MINOR repairs to my truck, none DIESEL related. Cracks me up. Why do GASSERS always talk about diesels in GENERAL being so expensive, motor racism!
My 7.3 is the most reliable, cheapest rig I have ever owned. Don't ask me about the lifters replaced in my F450 Gasser or the 6MPG. My Diesel gets 16MPG overall and 12-14 towing with more power than a fricken freight train.
Glad your gasser works for you, my diesel work VERY well for me.