Nvr2loud wrote:
Have you ever had serious sway?
It takes very little time to realize that problem, and the reaction should be almost instant.
Knock-on-wood, but I have not had serious sway with the TT. I have however had some scary loads for work behind me, and the brake controller has saved my butt more then once.
When I have transported machinery to job sites, sometimes it is impossible to get the right tongue weight due to trailer design or load characteristics... and add a 40 foot trailer to the mix and you can get some serious sway going. I have even had a fifth wheel trailer (not a camper) loaded with about 18,000 lbs nearly pull my truck over on top of me. It didn't have brakes, and luckily I was driving a one ton with a big diesel engine... I slammed my foot down on the gas and held on. For those of you who believe a 5th wheel can not sway, you're wrong. It takes a lot of force, and a lot of towed weight, but you can make a 5th wheel trailer sway (not likely a camper, too light)
At work, I never had a choice of load size, equipment, tow vehicle, ect. I was just expected to do as instructed. In hind-sight, I should have refused most of the loads. We had equipment that was grossly inadequate for the loads, and my drivers license was not valid for the length or weight of some of those loads, but hey... I was young and dumb. I did however, learn how to tow properly. Now that I'm older and have a choice of what to tow and how to tow, I am very conservative with my towing, but I still don't like friction anti-sway bars. I don't trust them above their safe threshold, when it is too late to manually correct the trailer. I have stated over-and-over again that friction sway bars work, but only to a certain threshold, then they are junk....
Sorry, missed your question earlier.
Yes, I have had serious sway and the oh-shoot as an equipment trailer alternates between trying to jackknife and shove you over top of the vehicle in front of you- usually from some numb-nutz who decides to steal your 'braking distance cushion' and whip in front while you are trying to get stopped for a sudden accident or inclement weather.
Your experience sounds much like the ones I have had and I have to give you respect for that. The unexpected benefit of which is the ability to tear a vinyl seat with your buttocks :E
One time loaded with a heavy horse trailer in the rain, had a sudden event happen and I was on the brakes hard. A cage whipped in front and I went into full emergency braking and manual controller while slumped around the steering wheel using the controller with my left hand and downshifting with my right. To be fair, I think it was the verbalizations that helped the most :R
I got out and spoke to the driver. I told him he just about had that hood ornament tattooed on his backside permanently! I politely explained the challenge of stopping short with a trailer, what I had to do and how I could hear the horses sliding into the front of the stalls.
I *think* he understood, but he kept staring up at that hood ornament and how it seemed to be hovering over his car as the bumpers were mere inches apart ;)
So I certainly DO AGREE with your idea that manual braking control is a skill that can be invaluable and wish everyone could learn and benefit from it.
But I wouldn't recommend REFUSING to use sway control any more than I would suggest eliminating the safety chains, break away cables, hitch locking pins, etc.
One example to consider...what do you think would happen if you have to brake suddenly and your trailer brakes FAILED? As the trailer starts to jackknife just before the TV roll, I bet you'd be wishing for ANY help that could slow down or stop the jackknife/sway :E
At the end of the day, that's what it's really about. Preparing our rigs in the most reasonable way to provide the most resistance to accidents, whether it be from weather, road conditions, other drivers, or whatever.
Nothing we do will guarantee no accidents. No equipment, no skillsets, nothing. They all can help avoid or reduce accidents, which is really the goal.
Have a great day!