Forum Discussion

llberge's avatar
Sep 19, 2014

Things learned on first cross country trip

This was our first long trip with our new 2014 35' Flagstaff Classic Super Lite trailer. We went from Connecticut to South Dakota, Black Hills area and back. Before we left, I replaced the original tires with Maxxis which performed flawlessly. I follow regularly and avoided a lot of problems by learning from the experiences of all you folks. It was a great 3 week trip and we had no truck or trailer problems. I did make a couple of observations along the way, the first of which I should have listened to most of you RVers.

·300 miles is about right for a day’s drive if you are driving multiple days in a row. You can do more if it will get you to your final destination, but not every day.

·All gas stations are not equal when it comes to trailer access. Why do some gas stations place the pumps perpendicular to the travel lanes? Flying J has the best with its RV friendly gas/diesel lanes.

·Cross winds eat almost as much gas as head winds and are a lot less fun.

·Don’t accidentally pass the entrance to the campground on a busy country road. You may have to drive 25 miles to find a place to turn around.

·We bring way too many clothes. Even my wife admitted that, although I suspect she will do it again.

There's probably more, but those are the ones that jumped out at me. Thanks for sharing all of your years of camping wisdom.
  • "Don't drive through Chicago if you can possibly avoid it."

    +1000 on that and especially on a summer Sunday afternoon. Worse than rush hour IME although it always seems to suck.

    And don't forget, you can buy just about anything you need. Don't go nuts trying to make sure you bring everything you MIGHT need
  • This list could have been written by me....

    I complain every time I see a gas station with perpendicular (vs Parallel) lanes. UGH!

    Too many clothes, check!

    300 miles a day is ideal. I have pushed many trips "to get there ASAP" and end up doing close to 600 miles in one day driving. Not fun, very tiring, and I am slowly working that number down. But with limited vac days, its "hurry up" and get there to relax. Sometimes!
  • If you have young kids plan on 250 miles or less every day.

    You will drive faster than you planned.

    Preparing meals while traveling is hard without a lot of planning in advance.

    The more tired you are the more likely the campground you pick is to have 1000 trains going by.

    The unplanned stops are the best.

    No matter how much you prepare, your vehicle can/will break down.

    Windy days are always crosswinds

    The more you need to do laundry the more likely that the next campground will not have facilities

    You will meet some amazing people, I ran into the same people 3 times (SD,OR,BC)

    BC has the worst drivers.

    Don't drive through Chicago if you can possibly avoid it.

    Do not stop for the night in Shelby MT unless you really like trains.

    Every town no matter how small has an auto parts store.

    The only reason you get full hookups is because that's what they have on the pull through sites.

    You'll want to spend another night and the site you are in will be booked.

    48 days is too long to spend in a trailer with 3 kids and a dog.

    48 days isn't long enough time to spend traveling with your kids and dog in a trailer....see above.

    You'll always want to go somewhere that wasn't part of the plan.