My '08 6.4 has 78,000 miles - mostly highway and a lot of carrying a Lance slide-in camper onto and off of the beach. It's been a very good truck and motor, other than the fuel mileage which S-U-C-K-S. I have had the radiator issue, which was replaced on warranty three years ago. I had a DPF fail last year, which was replaced on warranty and the DOC (Diesel CAT) just failed and was also replaced on warranty. My Engine & Drivetrain warranty runs out in February 2014 - IF either of those last two components fails again after warranty, I'll be in financial trouble. I didn't see the price of the DOC but the DPF was like $3700.00. Not sure what I'm going to do as yet - with the price of Diesel as high as it is, I may go with Ford's new gasoline engine. We'll see... don't know a lot about the Duramax but I do know that the Cummins Diesel motor would excite me, if installed in another truck! I think Dodge's weak point is the rest of their truck. Sorry!