I'm wondering how much is spent on gas and is it worth it?
Your asking this question on an RV forum where I don't think you will ever get an answer of no to this question. Yov'e been told that you won't save on money over hotel rooms - consider room rent vs cost of gas and camp ground fee which is per night. That's only the tip of the iceberg. You don't give any info on family, but family size is a big factor in determing the cost - bigger trailer means bigger tow vechile.
You need to decide this on your own. If you/family are an outdoors person(s) and like camping related activities, then you may like the lifestyle. If you are considering a purchase only so you can "save" money on hotels, then most likely not a prudent idea. People may tell you to rent, and while a good idea in theory, renting is very expensive. Do you have any friends you could spend a few nights with on a trip?