Shep1478 wrote:
My family is about to pull the trigger on our very first TT. We're looking at the Vibe 315BHK and also the Sunset 289QB.
We're very, very new to this, and although we know we'll make mistakes along the way, just wanna try to minimize those issues!
Anything anyone could add would be greatly appreciated!
SoundGuy wrote:
Those are both fairly large trailers - have you made sure that you have a tow vehicle capable of safely towing either while also transporting your family and all the junk you're sure to want to drag along with you? It's vitally important, especially for newbies. ;)
Shep1478 wrote:
Yes! We made sure to check with Chevrolet; we're rated for 8300lbs :)
Oh boy, here we go, a classic newbie mistake. :R You've provided no details about your truck (assuming it is a truck) but it sounds like you have a 1/2 ton Chevy so
regardless of it's so-called tow rating you'll be limited by it's own typically limiting payload capacity long before you get anywhere near that tow rating. :( Trailers you've mentioned are likely to weigh close to 7000 lbs loaded & ready to camp so that by definition means you'll be running
at least 900 lbs of gross tongue weight, leaving not a whole lot to account for weight of everyone and everything else in the truck when you're towing. FWIW, I've been towing with GM's ubiquitous 5.3L for 10 yrs now, both with the older wide ratio 4-spd and now with the current narrow ratio 6-spd in my 2012 Silverado, in every case coupled to a 3.42 axle ratio, and there's no way I'd want to be towing any more than ~ 6000 lbs fully loaded with this truck. My current couple's trailer typically averages ~ 4700 lbs loaded with an average gross tongue weight of ~ 625 lbs yet even with just the two of us and our son's dog in the truck I'm just about out of payload capacity. Your situation, with a family chewing up some of that valuable payload capacity, will be even worse.